Firstly, thank you to my followers! Secondly, I'm so sorry I'm so Phail-ey at this website. I didn't realise I had comments till now. I feel so intelligent, and I don't think.
Thanks to Eksde and Slowly Fading for your support and advice.
So last time I posted about what I was giving up. I have decided, in an attempt to make myself less ... concentrated on food, to not talk about it for a while. I had a good day today, but couldn't fast because my aunts were watching me like hawks. I wish I was back home where my parents didn't really care what or if I ate, as long I was around some of the time.
So plodding along, reading some journals today, I found someone who posted a list of different things about Ana. I'm not going to link, unless they see this and want me to. Anyway, I took that list, and modified it to myself. I hope you enjoy and get some (th)inspiration.
- Fat Cow or Anorexic?
- Perfection or Worthlessness?
- Food or Thin?
- Ana = Control, Food = Ugly
- Desire or Disgust?
- Need = Beauty, Want = Fat
- Would you rather be remembered as the beautiful, skinny girl, or the horrible fat one?
- Thin = Grace, Fat = Falling on your face.
- Food = Inner Beauty, Ana = Inner AND Outer Beauty
- People who eat are selfish and unrealistic.
- Have you ever seen a thin person be ignored?
- Thin people look good in everything, Fat people shouldn't be seen in public.
- Ballerina or Beanbag?
- Long, thin life, or short, fat one?
- A moment on the lips, forever on the hips.
- People will praise you for being thin.
- People will IGNORE you for being fat.
- Not eating ensures a healthy bank account.
- Skinny people get better jobs. Just look at celebrities.
- Fat people are funny, thin people are successful.
- Fat people don't get the lead.
- Ana works, Diets don't.
- Fat people don't have enough room to be loved.
- Just think of Ana as a bad ass action Hero. She's your secret weapon.
- Thin = Confidence, Confidence = Happiness.
- Nothing Tastes As Good As Thin Feels.
- Perfect Body = Perfect Soul
- Would you rather be admired for your courage to walk out the door as a size 22, or your courage and strength to say 'No.'??
- Think how much better you'll look in photos.
- Save Time, Eat Nothing.
- Is food more important than happiness?
- Thin will always be in.
- People don't like Fat People.
If it offends at all, I apologise. If you have more, Let me know. I know there are billions of Ana quotes out there. I just wanted to put my own thoughts into something.
I'll be posting another blog shortly, about what, I'm just not sure.
Love and Lite,
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